Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We found a solution to all your daily worries! --Yes it's True and Real.

Fresh Mango Juice.
 Have you started eating mango regularly?

The following are amazing facts about Mangoes.
Beauty Aids
Taking Mango regularly makes the complexion fair and the skin soft and shining.

Paste of Mango roots applied on palms & soles cures fever.

Because of it's content in Vitamin C and Calcium the Mango tightens the capillary vessels and prevents Oder cures bleeding of inner parts. 

Burnt ashes of Mango leaves applied on the burnt parts give quick relief. 
Sun dried Mango leaves powdered, 2-3 x a day half a teaspoon with water. 

Children's eating soil
Feeding the powder of dried kernel of Mango seeds with fresh water cures the habit of eating soil in kinds. 

Dry cough
Roast a ripe Mango on hot sand in a pan. Draw out the the juice of this Mango eliminates all the bronchial congestion and gives relief in cough.

Gall and kidney stones
Dried and powdered Mango leaves, 10g a day in water (kept overnight in a tumbler) helps throwing stones out.

Mental Weakness over come with mango juice
Mango contains a lot of glutamine acid - an important protein for concentration and memory. Taking _ cup sweet Mango juice with 25 grams curd and tsp. Ginger juice 2 or 3 times a day controls loose motions. Boil 20 grams powder of Mango bark in a liter of water and reduce it to 250 gram. Taking this decoction with 1 gram of black salt cures diarrhea. 

A pregnant woman should eat at least one mango a day - the calcium and magnesium of the mango relaxes the muscles, relieves stress and prevents abortion. 

Teeth Problems
Dried Mango seeds is a good toothpaste, strengthens the gums and helps in curing dental problems foul smell pyorrhoea.

Some say that the fruit which Eva picked from the tree of recognition was a mango. Couldn't it be like that?

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