Friday, December 20, 2013


After a three-week trial against the University of Texas, a jury finds that a Fawcett portrait by Andy Warhol belongs to O’Neal.

A jury decided on Thursday, December 19th that actor Ryan O’ Neal could keep a portrait of his longtime girlfriend actress Farrah Fawcett painted by famed artist Andy Warhol with him.

The University of Texas sued O’Neal in 2011 over the portrait, which they claimed was left to the school by the actor prior to her death. 

The jury, although, ruled 9 to 3 in favor of the actor’s at the Wednesday session at Los Angeles superior court. According to the Associated Press, O’Neal was not present when the verdict was delivered but his two children were in the court, however Patrick O’Neal spoke to his father and he said his father “was very happy”.

Before her death, O’Neal and Fawcett had an on and off relationship for almost 3 decades. The couple also has a child together, prior to her death from Cancer in 2009. The actress gave her collection of artwork to her alma mater, to the University of Texas at Austin. The school saw the portrait being placed in O’Neal’s bedroom on a reality TV show and claimed ownership.

Warhol painted two similar portraits and the school said Fawcett had waned to give them to the school. 

During his statement, O’Neal told the court that Andy Warhol was a friend. According to the 72 year-old actor the portrait is a gift from the famed artist for arranging the portrait session. “I talk to it, I talk to her. It’s her presence, her presence in my life, in her son’s life. We lost her; it seemed a crime to lose it too,” he told the court. Fawcett’s friend, Jaclyn Smith, also testified in his favor”.  

The actor’s team estimated that the 1980 Warhol portrait was worth $800,000 to $1million. Art appraise from the University, meanwhile, the estimated price at $12 million

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